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sagittarius Sagittarius
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate November 23 to December 1st Uncontrollable

When you use your irrepressible drive, it’s easy to get your way without much consideration for the welfare of people who are reliant on you. Your energy and enthusiasm manifest as bouts of arrogance and aggression, and you need to be far more cooperative, avoid any needless confrontations or disputes and be of extra help towards those people in need of support.

Second Decanate December 2 to December 11 Cooperation

Nothing stands in your way, cooperating with others helps most of your group activities turn out to be very rewarding. You’re able to encourage others and make progress on any project without too many hitches. All this goes a long way to creating bonds of trust that last a long way into the future and help you through less advantageous times.

Third Decanate December 12 to December 21 Active emotions

It’s hard to bring your feelings under control calmly and rationally if you don’t you make decisions you later come to regret. Conversely, if you’re normally a calm person, who keeps their feelings to themselves, it is easier for you to show them, enabling you to create clarity, to deepen and improve on any personal relationships in which you’re involved.